Warning: Declaration of Walker_pageNavi::walk($elements, $max_depth) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, ...$args) in /home/users/2/w-jet/web/yoneyama.co.jp/en/wp-content/plugins/wp-sitemanager/modules/site-structure.php on line 677 Processing CFRP material with water jet / Yoneyama Waterjet Cutting, inc.
Thickness 3.0t x Outer diameter 290, 1-φ50 Center hole, 6-φ50 (PCDφ150) [mm]
Lightweight and strong CFRP helps to reduce the weight of components.It is a material with excellent wear resistance, electrical conductivity and design.
Water jet machining is suitable for CFRP, which is difficult to cut.Can be cut without burami or burrs.